Saturday, February 8, 2014
We are sorry to hear of your loss. We hope you will allow us to be your support if you ever need anything, no matter how trivial it may seem. I have become great friends with Jim and would gladly help out with his or his families needs. Although i wouldn't consider myself as over religious, I do believe that everyone of us here on earth are brought together one way or another to help Our Father complete the circle of life, and the ones chosen to walk beside him are our Guides to see to it that we learn lifes lesson so that we to would join them in the heavenly world. We don't understand why things happen and for what reason but we all believe in the Divine world and know that Ryan is forever your Angel. He is always there, around each and everyone of you though a baby in the physical world he already knows the power of your love for him. When your not sure about somethings in life, he will be standing beside you, comforting you, holding your hand and guideing you to the answer. God bless your entire family, he is and always will be next to you when you need him.