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Walter Hammond lit a candle
Monday, December 31, 2018

Rest in peace, my friend and "Thank You" for being the tall tree that I, as well as many others look up to. Enjoy your time in paradise.
Paul Hartline posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Good morning,
I just learned of Charlie's death this morning on the way to the check out at a local grocery store when I saw Charlie on the cover of the April edition of Deer and Deer Hunting magazine. Looking closer I saw the date of this birth and death. I am saddened to learn of his passing but very enthusiastic of his presents with Jesus our Lord and Savior. I saw Charlie speak at High Point Camp in Geigertown Pa. in 1986. I was immediately drawn to him because of his faith, his deer hunting knowledge and his service in the Air Force. I served in the AF from 81-85 and got saved in Utah at Hill AFB in 83. I was 24 when I saw him and enjoyed hunting then and still do to this day. I was so impressed with his testimony of how God got his attention as a proud young man and changed his life forever. He spoke of salvation so clearly and it was moving. to be in a room full of guys from all back grounds and to hear Charlie talk of the saving faith of Jesus. It was great to be part of. And because of Charlie, I'm a "moon" guy. Every year I get the calendar out and check when the full moon in November will be. I usually plan my archery hunting accordingly. More importantly, I want to be a testimony for Christ to those I hunt with. I intentionally hunt with guys who love the outdoors and don't know Christ. Charlie had an influence in my thinking not only with the moon but with mankind. I saw Charlie 4-5 times through the years. I always enjoyed and appreciated his message. Thank you for the opportunity to share. Lord bless the Alsheimer family.
Gary Lubinski posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Dear Alsheimer Family,
I had the opportunity to spend a day with Charlie at my home in Houghton when he was the speaker at a local church's big buck night probably 12 years ago already. It was a wonderful time as we share the same faith, family values, and passion for whitetails. God provides some people with that special quality were everyone wants to be near them, and that was Charlie.
Please know that I am so very sorry for the loss of Charlie and the grief you endure. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you go forward carrying a heartache that is tough to heal. The day will come when you will all be together free of pain and suffering enjoying that wonderful gift and promise of heaven.
Grace, peace & blessings,
Gary Siriday posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Rip to the greatest author ,hunter I've followed
For many years ,learned so much from you
Will see you on the other side God Bless
Douglas Lyall posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
I also was born in 1947 went to Nam came home started deer hunting and studied everything you wrote. Really looked forward every year to your rut predictions. Rest In Peace will miss your articles immensely hope to meet you on the other side.
Jerry Leonhardt posted a condolence
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Our deepest sympathy.....Mr Alsheimer was a great steward of the land and taught us all a great deal about the whitetail deer. He will be missed by all
Rocco Venezia posted a condolence
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Dear Carla & Aaron
Its with heavy heart as I opened my issue of Whitetail news this morning. I cannot say in words how much I loved Charlie and what an inspiration he was to my son Anthony. I apologize for not knowing and this is a great shock to me. I know he is with his saviour
that there is no doubt, and its his love of the Lord that I will remember most.
Love Rocco Anthony & Pat
Doug Morey lit a candle
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Loren Pounds posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Anyone who loved and hunted whitetail deer knew Charlie Alsheimer. I looked forward to each years version of Deer and Deer Hunting on my TV. I learned so much from Charlie and used much of his advice in my own deer management in Kansas. His observations, knowledge, and tips helped me bring more deer onto my property and to help me make it a quiet place for them to feel comfortable to hang out. Last night I had 30 deer grazing in my yard as they gradually made their way to their bedding ground for the night. Even though we never met, I considered Charlie a mentor and friend. Please know that he will be missed deeply by all of the deer loving public who had the pleasure of his writing, photography, and advice. He was unique!
Friday, January 19, 2018
Please apply this donation in Memory of Charles Alsheimer
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Chad Powell posted a condolence
Thursday, January 11, 2018
I am truly sorry about your loss, I am 46 years old and Charles was by far the best writer and had some of the best photos, there was not anyone else that comes close to making you feel like you are there when he tells his stories with words and photos. He will truly be missed.
Jim Gabbard posted a condolence
Friday, January 5, 2018
We were so sorry to hear about Charlie's death. We became acquainted with Charlie years ago thru our time working for the Christian Bowhunters of America. It was an exciting time when Charlie introduced our first professional tract "The Ultimate Hunt", it was so outstanding and I'm sure has reached many souls over the years. I was looking at some of my pictures and my favorite is signed by Charlie in 1992, how time flies. We certainly appreciate the many favors Charlie did for CBA over the years, and the current picture on our publication has a photo by him. You meet very few people in your life who are truly outstanding in so many ways, Charlie was one of those. Thanks for sharing him with us. Time changes so many things and we pray that your hearts will be healed with his loving memory.
Jim and Jan Gabbard
Jim Z posted a condolence
Friday, January 5, 2018
Charlie I am sure your there in God's presence in the Happy Hunting Ground. May all pictures focused & centered as they always were and all may your deer be Booners. You truly were a man of FAITH.
Dick Learn posted a condolence
Friday, January 5, 2018
So sorry for your loss. Charlie was such a special person. Our thoughts are with you.
Bill Little posted a condolence
Friday, January 5, 2018
On behalf of everyone from the ScoutLook team, we wish to pass on our deepest sympathies and condolences to the entire family. All of us in the whitetail deer hunting community learned so much for so long from all he did and wrote. He was truly one of the greats and will be missed by us all.
Rachel Musso Dahmane posted a condolence
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Sending many prayers to everyone in Charlie's Family. My Grandfather Wilbert Smith always enjoyed talking with him about hunting. May peace be with the family in this time of sadness. RIP
Jim Miller posted a condolence
Thursday, January 4, 2018
A man of God who blessed so many people in his life. Met him twice at a sportsmen banquet in Goshen Indiana at Sugar Grove Church. He was such a warm and sincere man of God people were drawn to him. What a privilege to have met him. God Bless the Family!
John Bitner posted a condolence
Thursday, January 4, 2018
To Charles Alsheimer Family
Thank you for sharing Charlie with all the church banquets and sportsman’s banquets . Of all the men I’ve heard in my lifetime Mr. Alsheimer was authentic and god loving while sharing a passion so many of us have in common. Thanks for sacrificing your time by letting all of us hear him over the years. Now the biggest sacrifice is one you have to endure. We are sorry for that burden and pray for you in this time. We really will miss him . Take care and God bless. Mount Calvary Sportsman Banquet Committee 2018
Debbie Dupont posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Saddened to learn of Charlie’s passing. He was a friend of my husband who is also deceased 2 1/2 years ago. They can sure share some deer stories in heaven!
Russ Nitchman (Danby NY) posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Carla and Aaron,
I was speaking with Neil Dougherty on Weds or Thurs last week and asked about Charlie. I attended their 3 day deer hunting seminar and actually came to your place with everyone- met Aaron as you studied for your Bar exam.
I began reading Charlie's articles in Deer and Deer Hunting about 22 years ago. Something about his writing and him struck a cord with me. I bought land in Danby NY and began doing QDM, as inspired by Charlie. We too follow the Lord and support FLN. Know that Charlie made and left a huge impact on this world, and one for eternity. You have both had a HUGE part in that! Thank you for sharing him with us!
I attended one of his deer seminars at FLN headquarters over 10 years ago. I am so sorry for your loss. Blessings to you both, and the family at large. My prayers are with you.
AJ Gall posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
As a young, aspiring writer having just started a job with Legendary Whitetails back in 2014, I was a bit awestruck when I heard a colleague talking to THE Charles Alsheimer on the phone about using his photographs for the cover of the next Legendary Whitetails catalog. Then, all of a sudden, my phone was ringing…it was Charlie. I couldn’t believe it, I was talking to the man I had admired since I could read my dad’s hunting magazines. Naturally, we discussed whitetails and hunting, but what really struck me was his earnest interest my everyday life. He was as genuine as it gets, and he grew to become a great mentor, one that took the time out of his evenings to talk about the world of outdoor writing, whitetails, photography, family, and faith – to someone he never even met.
My deepest sympathies. I'll miss working with you, my friend.
Legendary Whitetails posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
From all of us at Legendary Whitetails, we celebrate the life of a good man and mourn his passing with you and the hunting community. Charlie was special. In fact, he was beyond special. No one has shared the stunning beauty and behaviors of whitetails with the world of deer hunters as Charlie did.
Like many, it was whitetails that brought us together. Charlie was part of the Legendary family and it was a joy getting to know and work with him over the years. He will be dearly missed.
Our deepest sympathies and prayers,
Legendary Whitetails
Paul Annear posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
My most sincere condolences to the passing of Charlie. His writing singe handidly inspired me to chase my passion for freelance writing and photography. I will dearly miss his writing and passion for deer. Sincerely,
Paul R. Annear
Stanley Orford II posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
I had talked to Charlie at Victory Baptist Church Dinners and about speaking at our church over the years. He was the nicest guy I ever met and so knowledgeable about deer and their habitat. He inspired me to take courses from Neil and Craig Dougherty at North Country Whitetails. I have a 180 acre Tree Farm and thanks to Charlie I planted Food Plots in 4 acres for the last 15 plus years in St Lawrence County. I have many of his books and cherish his photos he signed for me. He has been a friend and will be missed. My condolences to his wife, son and family for this loss. He is now in heaven Taking Care of things he needs to there. May God Bless him to eternity. Proverbs 4-5-6
Philip Byers posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
I was saddened to hear the news of Mr. Alsheimer's passing. Certainly he is enjoying the rest of his eternity but for those left behind it leaves an emptiness inside, affecting none more than the family itself. I'm so thankful that this life is but a tiny snapshot of time and there will be all of eternity to enjoy the fellowship of one another when we get to the other side. I always wanted to meet Mr. Alsheimer but was never able. I am sure I will get to one day. I grew up looking at every picture I could find of his. He had a way of making you feel like you were there with the quality of the pictures he took. As a kid I would try to draw pictures that he had taken and were in his magazine articles. I'd pick up a hunting magazine and immediately look for any of his pictures. They were so distinct and incredible they could be easily spotted. His pictures and articles greatly enhanced my love for the whitetail and hunting. I'm quite sure he didn't realize the impact he has had on so many unnamed people like me. There is no doubt that while he has passed his legacy will live on in the hunting community and in so many hearts.. I am just one of so many that is grateful for his contribution in my life and will miss him. My condolences to the family! May the God of all comfort be close to you in this time of grief.
Mariana Huber donated to FAMILY LIFE MINISTRIES INC
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
In loving memory of Mr. Charles Alsheimer
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Norman Bromley posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
So sad to hear this news. No doubt he is in the presence of the Lord. What a soldier of the faith! We had the privilege of hosting one of his speaking engagements. He was a hero to my son. I can't express what it meant to have my son look up to such a man. He loved God's creation but he loved God more. And he knew how to spread that message. My thoughts and prayers to the family. He will be missed. Isaiah 46:9-11
Madeline Kenney Lapp lit a candle
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Randy Dennis posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Charlie was one of the most memorable person I ever met. I'll never forget his passion about those things he held most dearly.
Rick Snavely posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Charlie had been part of my life since I was in junior high school, where he took interest in me and taught me a number of things about the game of basketball. In my junior year of high school, our family made Charlie our “spiritual target” and began praying that he would come to know the Lord. I will never forget the evening in April 1971 when, after I returned from a school function, my father called me to say that he had led Charlie to the Lord that night. I had the privilege of working with Charlie helping to produce his early slide programs when he made the decision to leave the corporate world and go into full-time ministry by using his wildlife photography. His work was incredible, and he always would give glory to God for the awesome creation the Lord had made in our great land. Charlie was part of the Family Life Board of Directors some 40 years ago when the decision was made to spend some money to investigate this ministry getting into radio. His, and the other board members’, faith was blessed by God as Family Life now oversees a large radio outreach. Charlie loved the Lord, his family, his country, and this ministry. He served on the Family Life Board for many years and was chairman twice. Charlie was one my big cheerleaders over the years. Whenever we received a compliment from Charlie about a production or an event that he had attended, you knew it wasn’t fluff but that he was genuinely moved by our efforts. Charlie’s ministry to those who loved hunting and the outdoors was not only unique but was incredibly effective. I know that there are many men and women walking with the Lord today as a result of God using Charlie and his talents to share about the salvation that He had found in Jesus Christ. He will be greatly missed, but we can have peace knowing that Charlie Alsheimer is with the Lord that he loved so greatly.
Tim Hayes posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
I am saddened to hear of Charlie's passing.. I learned a great deal from his writings over the years and always wanted to meet him. Though I never knew the man I knew enough to know that he was a great man, an extraordinary man and someone folks should strive to emulate..I personally use his moon strategies while hunting whitetails religiously..I pray to God that he comforts his family and friends at this very sad time.. God Bless you Charlie and maybe one day I will meet you on the other side..
Jeff Robinson lit a candle
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

My sincerest condolences to Charlie's family! He will be missed by MANY!
Louis Plank posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
We are so sorry to hear of the loss of Charlie. I graduated from Avoca in 1965, and knew him well. We played Avoca baseball together, and I was amazed at his athletic ability! I was privileged to hear him and see his slide presentations twice. Also, when he visited Northern NY, he signed one of his books for me. Friendships are so dear to us, and I was impressed with his spiritual walk with Christ! Being a believer myself, I saw the impact he had on listeners in the presentations he gave when I was present. I feel a loss in having Charlie no-longer with us. He was a wonderful friend to me. He certainly lived his testimony and will be sorely missed. Very Sincerely, Louie PlankD57dn
Pastor Ron Berrus posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Dear Ones, Charlie was such a blessing, example and encouragement to so many. We were introduced through Vaughn Van Skiver, and met face to face when Charlie did our first Sportsmen's Banquet Outreach in 1987 at First Baptist, Bellefonte, PA. He spoke at that outreach 10 years in a row and led scores and scores of men to Christ. He also encouraged me to do the same ministry and recommended me to some churches, and I began doing Sportsmen's outreaches 25 years ago. He served so humbly, so faithfully, and with excellence and joy in Christ. You hosted me in your home many years ago as Charlie invited me to come up and hunt spring gobblers on your land. We extend our deepest sympathy to you and your family, and pray for God's great comfort to each and every one of you. Thanks for sharing him so generously with so many for so many years, for the sake of the gospel. As you know so well, Charlie is now with Christ (John 14:1-3; 2 Cor 5:1-8), and fully like Christ, face to face (1 John 3:1-3). Jesus' prayer was answered yet again... John 17:24 "Father, I want the ones You gave me to be with me where I am, so they can see my glory." May He carry you step by step in the days ahead. In the grace and love of Christ, Ron & Val Berrus
Gordon and Jean F. Bates lit a candle
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

David Gonzalez posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
I admired all of his thoughts and knowledge regarding whitetails and his passion for what he conveyed. I am sure he was an amazing person to know personally. Prayers to family and all that knew Charles.
Derric Glenn lit a candle
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Trudi Cook posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Such a shock to hear this news..sad for us but one can only rejoice for the reunions taking place in heaven. I was remembering the time I volunteered at a talk Charlie gave at Family Life years ago - I learned more about whitetail deer than I probably needed to know, enjoyed his photography, and was moved at the end when he shared that his father was heaven-bound but urged him to go and share the gospel...I believe many were saved that night. We'll miss his friendship and leadership at Family Life. My prayers go up for the family
David and Paula Payne posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
May the Peace of God be with Charlie's entire family. More lives were touched for Jesus by him than will ever be know here on earth. I truly believe his testimony of Christ influenced one of our family members unto salvation and therefore the next generation was led to salvation also. His ministry was two fold, but he knew his ministry for Christ was first and foremost. Thank you Charlie for your faithfulness to the ministry of our Creator and His Creation.
Bill Yox posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Because im a taxidermist and a deer farmer, Charlie was certainly a household name, and a person whose expertise and opinions i valued professionally. In the industry he was always good to me...and to everyone. I was however most inspired by his faith in God. And as well, his willingness to share the Word with fellow sportsmen. He will be missed and remembered. Prayers to the family. Thank you Charlie.
Bill Yox
owner Bill Yox Taxidermy
Marc Bartusek posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
My deepest condolences to the Alsheimer family…
No one can prepare you for a loss, as it comes like a swift wind. However, take comfort in knowing that Charlie is now resting in the arms of our Lord. May His Grace embrace you in this time of grief, remembrance and celebration of Charlie’s life.
God Bless,
Marc Bartuśek - Legendary Whitetails
Greg Russell posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
It is with great sadness we hear of the passing of Charlie. I never met him, yet, like many other thousands upon thousands of hunters, I feel as though I know him. I`ve read his hunting works for years, and Charlie was a trusted advisor in everything concerning deer and deer hunting. It needs to be noted, that even as we mourn his passing, we do not grieve as those who don`t know Christ grieve. We miss Charlie, but we know he is in the presence of the Lord, and that we will see him one day. Our prayers go out to Charlie`s family and friends, that Jesus will give you hope, comfort, and grace during this time of transition in your lives. We also pray that any of Charlie`s unsaved family and friends will use this time of sadness as the impetus to come today, to a saving faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God richly bless you all.
The King Family posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
We are so sorry for your loss. Sending our prayers, to all.
LaFrone Harrison posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
I remember while I was president of the Todd family reunion when Charlie requested I let him speak to the family and give his testimony of his decision to except Jesus as his Savior. I was overwhelmed with joy! He went on from there to fulfill the great commission all Christians are commanded to do in a manner and with talents our God gifted him with. I have always been proud of Charlie’s achievements, but most of all, his love for his Savior and soon coming King. I will never forget our days hunting together and all the photo sessions with him. I will always praise God for using Charlie to console me and sit with me for untold hours while I grieved over the loss of my wife. As brothers in Christ Jesus, I know beyond any doubt that he is in the presence of our Lord. He and I will rejoice together in the presence our Savior in the not too distant future. I pray for God’s strength and power to help The family endure this great loss in Jesus name!
Christian Berg posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
On behalf of the entire editorial team at Petersen's BOWHUNTING, we would like to offer our heartfelt condolences to Charlie's family. His passing was a total shock to us, and we can't tell you how much we will miss working with Charlie going forward. His photo contributions to the magazine were tremendous and helped make our sport more accessible to our readers.
On a personal note, I would like to say that I valued Charlie's friendship tremendously. He always encouraged me in my faith and also encouraged me to get more involved in speaking at the sportsman's banquets for which he was so well known. In recent years, I have started speaking at these evangelistic events more frequently, and Charlie had a direct hand in making that happen. I know he had a passion that the ministry at those type of events would continue long after he was gone, and I will certainly think of Charlie each time I attend or speak at one of them. Charlie leaves a tremendous legacy behind, and I know many of us in the outdoor industry will continue to be touched by his life as long as our lives continue. Thank you to Charlie's family for sharing him with us all these years. I look forward to grand reunion with him one day!
Ron Macdougall uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

This was one of many seminars I went to,he will be missed very much.RIP Charles
DeWaine Roloson posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Heart felt thoughts go out to the family. I was always amazed by Charles and his willingness to share both his knowledge of nature as well as his Love of Christ. He will be missed, but his life work continue to inspire all.
Ron Macdougall lit a candle
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Ron Macdougall posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
I am so sorry for your loss,he was a very very nice person to talk to and really helped me along with his deer knowledge,he will be missed.
Rev George DiFulvio posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
You will truly be missed my brother. I will never forget the several times you spoke at our Sportsman's Dinners in Binghamton, NY. My wife Cindy and I will always cherish the afternoon we spent with you and your wife in your home, and hanging out with the whitetails in your preserve. We will never forget you. Till we meet again.
Forever your friend.
George DiFulvio
Mike Stanley posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Charlie will forever have a soft place in my heart although I never had the privilege or opportunity to know him personally. His testimony for Christ, his spirit of integrity and his character and love of life and God's amazing creation shown through his pen, photographer's lens and his mere presence. What a man and what a life!
Connie Kearns posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Charlie was a wonderful speaker, always crediting God for his talents. His wit and humor will be greatly missed .God bless you Charlie as you now watch over your family from above.
Walt Jend posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Over the many years I enjoyed Charlie's work.
May the love of friends give you comfort...
May the love of God bring you Peace.
My deepest sympathy to you all.
Mike Tammaro posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
I am so sorry to hear this news. Charlie was always so kind and encouraging. I enjoyed being around him while refereeing basketball. My prayers are with Carla and the family. God Bless you all.
Mariana Huber posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Dear Aaron,
I wish I’d had the honor of meeting your Dad. Knowing he was the man who had a hand in modeling behaviors that shaped the special person that his son is, I am certain that his life was never short of kindness, gratitude, compassion and love. You have shared lots of stories about your Dad and I am hoping that the precious memories you all have of him will be a comfort to you while you grieve this tremendous loss. Know that I am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Much love to you and your Mom.
Mariana Huber
Richard G Bernier posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
"The worth of a life is to invest in something that will outlast it."
You did, my friend, you did!
I will miss you, terribly...I already do.
Until we meet on the other side...
Carla & Aaron, we grieve your loss with you and cling to the same promise that one day, "The dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord."
Patrick Galvin posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
My continued love and respect for the great white tail Deer was encouraged by Charlie and his lifetime work with love for deer. Charlie gave the Best presentations on quality deer management laced with equal parts humor fact and inspiration. A Godly man and role model I admire! Already missing Charlie A. Patrick Galvin; Penn Yan, NY
Kirk House posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
A fine man. A deservedly-honored writer and photographer. A person who worked for his community. We're grieved to learn of your loss.
Jody Ferrara posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
On behalf of myself and fellow archers and members of region 8 New York Bowhunters, Inc. condolences to Charlie's family.This is such a shock to have read of his passing.
Cathy P Rouse-Nicholson RN posted a condolence
Monday, January 1, 2018
Please accept our sincere condolences in the loss of Charlie. He was one of a kind. He made our world better for everyone. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. We are all very proud to have called him a friend.
Yours truly,
Edith Rouse
Cathy P Rouse-Nicholson
Rick Nicholson
Mark Dusablon lit a candle
Monday, January 1, 2018

Mark Dusablon posted a condolence
Monday, January 1, 2018
Charlie will be greatly missed by the outdoor community. Charlie helped me find the Lord again and paved a path for my great successes as an outdoorsman. I learned so much from Charlie and I will forever cherish the autographed books I have.
From the Dusablon family to the Alsheimer family, we are so, so sorry for your loss.
May God be your rock through these hard times.
Kathleen Mukherjee posted a condolence
Monday, January 1, 2018
We are so sorry to hear of Charlie’s passing. Sam and I enjoyed seeing him at our 50th reunion. He was a wonderful man and accomplished much in his lifetime. He will be greatly missed. Our condolences to Carla and his family.
Kathy McGunnigle Mukherjee
Bryce Thorsen posted a condolence
Monday, January 1, 2018
Our prayers and condolences go out to the family! Rest in Peace
Bill and Bonnie Hunt posted a condolence
Monday, January 1, 2018
Bill and I are sorry to hear of Charlies passing. We always enjoyed his programs and visiting with him. We recently enjoying the Avoca Historical society program Charlie did in honor of Marv Skillman. The players he got out to honor Marv as a great Avoca coach.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Carla and Aaron.
Todd Stowe posted a condolence
Monday, January 1, 2018
Rest In Peace Charlie. Say hello to Coach for us.
Sandy Parker posted a condolence
Monday, January 1, 2018
Proper words for this great loss to the world escape me at this time. Charlie was a special man of honor and integrity. Extremely Blessed to have known and called such a man of God, my friend. Will continue praying for the family.
Scott Skillman posted a condolence
Monday, January 1, 2018
Our prayers and condolences to the family. Charlie was certainly a wonderful man.
David E. Mong posted a condolence
Monday, January 1, 2018
Thank you Charlie for your walk of faith in life. You taught the outdoorsman and the whitetail deer enthusiast how to both have passion for the pursuit while keeping Christ in the center of life. In writing or speaking, you lifted God high and praised him the same. It is no telling how many lives your expressed faith has touched through your life's work. Thank you for the inspiration, the walk of faith and the shared wisdom; see you again over in the land of glory where we will fellowship once again. May our great Creator bring comfort to loved ones, to the friends with heavy hearts and may joy arrive in its time to all through wonderful memories. Thank you Sir for being all that you could be and always giving thanks to God.
Melinda Thorsen Stapleton posted a condolence
Monday, January 1, 2018
God Bless you Charlie! Praying for you family during this difficult time!! May the Lord be with you all!!
The family of Charles J. Alsheimer uploaded a photo
Monday, January 1, 2018

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